What do you think I should expect?

Loki has to go to the vet soon for his annual exam and vaccinations.  It'll probably be a week from this coming Saturday.

Loki doesn't like to travel.  He especially abhors being out of his element.  The evil little kitty certainly doesn't like strangers — which is odd since he's Satan and will more gladly steal your soul than look at you.

I'd have guessed that strangers make easier prey since they can't necessarily — or at least as easily — be tracked back to Daddy (moi), which would be terribly inconvenient and may require Loki to call forth Armageddon (something he thoroughly looks forward to, so please don't goad him lest he take the offer seriously).

What do you think I should expect from him?  Same as last year?  You know (especially if you've met Loki in person), all the crying and refusing to cooperate and overall ugliness?

I'm confident that it'll be the same.

Oh, fun… something to look forward to.  You know, like I imagine I'd look forward to torture and gastrointestinal parasite infestations.

There is, however, a certain level of personal entertainment to be enjoyed.

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