Dearest marniac…

My friend marniac has acute viral conjunctivitis.  Poor thing.  It's a very unpleasant malady that is also quite contagious, one that befalls a great many people.  It's also, in that sick way that I love to be, somewhat humorous.

You see, acute viral conjunctivitis is also called pinkeye.  It is, from my reckoning, a disease most people get when they are young and which never revisits them after that initial assault on their adolescence.  Marniac is not a child; she's within a decade of my age (at this writing, I am little more than a month away from 35).

I quietly "tee-hee" to myself.

But I've had pinkeye, as a child, and I am fully aware of its unpleasantness.  She was forced to work from home for the past few days simply because of the risk of contagion.  I am quite convinced she's also not been feeling her best.

I wish you a speedy recovery, marniac.

Oh, and I'm sure your coworkers also want you to get your ass back to work!

You know how I feel about such things — tell 'em to piss off.

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