
Look at this picture from Hubble of the Orion Nebula.  Very cool stuff!

Friday Ark #69 is worth a look.

Guess which one…

I and the Bird #14 is available for your enjoyment.

What are the odds of intelligent life in the universe other than humans?  Here’s a good response to someone else’s really bad math on that very question.

Check out this image of Saturn taken by the Cassini-Huygens spacecraft.  In a word: stunning.

Send your name to the asteroid belt via the NASA Dawn spacecraft.

Evidence now exists to indicate deep-rooted plants act directly on global climate.  This is very interesting work as it demonstrates participation in atmospheric physics that is completely outside of what we assume about plants (that they clean carbon dioxide out of the air and provide oxygen in return); this study goes well beyond that, and it shows a roll that is more extensive than scientists previously thought or considered.  These results mean that climate models must be modified to include deep-rooted plant participation in order to attain more accurate results.  It also demonstrates why deforestation should be a significant global concern.

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