
Fast-food ice is dirtier than toilet water.  I bet you’ll think before you super-size that next soda.

The bootlegged Turkish version of Brokeback Mountain is called Faggot Cowboys.  Turkey isn’t as progressive as we were led to believe.  [via Gay Orbit]

The Intelligent Design FAQ.  Hysterical!

Evan at brain terminal has the lowdown on Cheney’s “Quailgate” shooting.  There really was a conspiracy.  Go ahead; it’ll tickle your funny bone, I assure you.

The company you keep is a refresher on America joining with China, Iran, Cuba, and several other countries we generally abhor in trying to limit the rights of gays and lesbians.  It goes hand in hand with the Republican initiatives to ban gay adoption in at least 16 states.  Look, for all you idiot and mindless Christians out there pushing for this culture war against homosexuals, understand that we’re already doomed to burn in your hell for being exactly how your god made us.  Can’t you accept that as sufficient punishment for our devilish ways and leave us the hell alone while we’re here on this planet?  Fuck off already, you bunch of hateful and evil hypocrites.

Missouri has denied housing to an interracial couple with three children because they’re unmarried.  Note the historical irony that the last name Loving is also the last name of Richard and Mildred whose interracial marriage brought about the downfall of anti-miscegenation laws in America.

After being saved from her entanglement in crab lines, this humpback whale made a point of thanking individually each of the people involved in her rescue.  Anyone out there wish to deny that these are intelligent, feeling, aware animals who deserve the same protections granted to humans?  [via AmbivaBlog]

This is an excellent interview with Dan Savage.  All you need to know is that he’s one of my favorite authors, and he’s a personal hero of mine.  [via Gay Orbit]

Yet more reason to believe that homosexuality is inherited and not learned.

Tyson Beckford at the Red Party.  I want a Tyson of my very own, to love and to hold and to care for and to be my very own male supermodel.

The crackdown on free thought and speech continues, having already invaded our colleges and universities.

Let’s treat autism with chemical castration.  Sure, that sounds reasonable.

Madison County prosecutors have charged a Fairmont City man with tying a 63-pound concrete block to his dog and throwing it into Cahokia Canal.  How repulsive.  Thankfully, the dog survived.  [via Tales & Tails of New York]

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