Open thread

A conservative explains why even he has Bush fatigue.  He makes some extremely valid points which I happen to share (although he also fails to point out items I would have included, such as torture, gulags, suspension of due process, violation of the Geneva Conventions [which, BTW, America helped write and enact], and so on).  Still, it’s nice to see Republicans speaking out against what is the most horrendous and damaging presidential administration in our country’s history.

San Diego put up a cross on public land.  It was challenged in court.  The city lost — many times.  Years later, appeals and more appeals tossed by the wayside, the judge in the case ordered them to take down the cross, and he makes clear he means it this time (the same order was given many years ago, but the city has found all sorts of ways to circumvent it in the meantime).  When San Diego tried to sell the land to a private holder who would keep the cross up, the judge barred the transaction as yet another maneuver by the city to circumvent his ruling and associated order.  Now, the city wants Bush to use eminent domain so the land may be declared federal property.  Ugh.  Fine, if that’s how it’s going to be, let’s get some folks in San Diego to push for a pentagram on the front of city hall, the Eye of Ra on the front of the city court house, and the Flying Spaghetti Monster on every police car.  What’s the difference?

When will it end?  The Pentagon continues forcing into combat psychologically unfit personnel.  You’ve undoubtedly heard of the disturbing and increasing number of suicides in the military when troops return home from Iraq and Afghanistan; now you know why.

I can’t help but find Chris Clarke’s paean to open discourse a worthwhile read for anyone.  It’s not very nice at all, and it shouldn’t be.  To wit:

My point: it is not civil to discuss things quietly and collegially while people are dying because they can’t afford medicine. It is not civil to speak in even, chuckling sardonicism as one beleaguered wild place after another is paved for profit. It is not civil to calmly raise logical arguments against torture, against kidnapping, against using nuclear weapons on civilians to show our resolve.


But I have decided I no longer trust anyone who insists on others being civil. The bumper sticker from ten years ago said “If you’re not outraged, you’re not paying attention.” That needs updating. If you’re not outraged, then you’ve decided that the suffering that exists in the world is just fine with you, as long as you don’t feel it.

I strongly suggest you go read the whole thing.

It’s the 112th Carnival of the Cats: Mother’s Day Edition.  It’s always best to start the week with lots of feline photos and stories.

And finally, kitten wrassling!  Too cute not to share.

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