‘Go for a walk’

I’m not referring to my own wanderings.  Instead, I am naming one of the activities which Grendel seems only willing to enjoy while with me.  Derek even commented after almost a decade with The Kids that he was never able to “go for a walk” with Grendel despite many attempts.  It was, according to him, unpleasant at minimum.  Grendel would complain and make every effort to escape his grasp.  The results of these encounters were never pretty.  For Derek, anyway.

To “go for a walk” is, I believe, one of those activities that is only wonderful when it’s between father and cat.  This is a Daddy-Grendel-only activity.  Apparently.

A simple joy it is, this thing we have.  I pick up Grendel and cradle him in my arms as he loves for me to do, and then we walk.  Around the house.  And we investigate.  And we sniff.  And we rub.  And we talk.  And we purr.

I can not possibly explain the intrinsic value of such times.  For both of us.

Grendel gets to see and smell and rub and generally experience a great many things he would otherwise be unable to examine in close quarters.  Because of his hip surgery, he’s unable to fully exploit his feline abilities.  Lacking sufficient faculties, he remains unable to jump on a par with almost all other cats, and certainly this is true as regards the rest of The Kids.

They can reach the bathroom and kitchen counters.  He can not.  They can scale the bed in one fell swoop.  He can not.  They have no difficulty leaping to my shoulders from any location, and that means even when I am standing (although much claw action is involved in the landing when that is the case).  He can not under any circumstances except when I am prostrate on the ground.  They find no challenge whatsoever in reaching the top of the refrigerator.  He has only seen that place when we “go for a walk”.

Many locations remain off-limits to Grendel because of his hip surgery.  Adding his asthma on top of that undoubtedly reduces his chances of attaining the same level of physical activity and prowess enjoyed by the rest of The Kids.  You can certainly understand why much of the “common” world is “uncommon” to Grendel.

Taking walks with him subjugates all the limitations.  His corporeal experience need no longer be limited solely by his physical handicaps.

Why Grendel has always failed to allow others to participate in these walks eludes me to this day.  Is this a joy reserved wholly for me?  Is it simply a question of mechanics and a certain “style” to which he is accustomed?  Something else entirely?  Who knows…

What is clear to me is that these are special times betwixt the two of us.  “Go for a walk” is a phrase engendering tremendous contentment when in reference to these two living beings.

Should something happen to me, would either Jenny or Rick be able to satisfy this familial bonding requirement for Grendel?  How I wish that was the only significant concern I had for their well-being were I to be removed from their lives.

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