Pro-Israel what-the-fuck-ever

I tire of it.  The pro-Israel bias in America has so blinded normally sensible people that it amazes they would even attempt to discuss the issue from behind a façade of intelligence.

Oh wait!  They can’t discuss it intelligently.  Everything is about how Israel is justified or the Arabs are wrong.  Uh-huh…

Blind is blind and bigotry is bigotry.  All I hear and see is that we should let Israel visit the dogs of war upon anyone they deem a target even if such action strengthens the enemy’s hand — as it has done in this case.  Let Israel lash out despite such action causing significantly more civilian deaths and hardship than impact on terrorists.

Let’s see: almost 800 killed in Lebanon; only a few dozen are Hezb’Allah.  Let’s be generous and say that 40 of those were Hezb’Allah.  That’s still 95% innocent civilians killed in directed military action.  Is that just?  Is that humane?

There you stand with your boo-hoo and whimper and whine that Israel must always be right or else.  Whatever.

No, that fails to communicate my point.


Why did America not attack Saudi Arabia or Egypt after 9/11?  Common sense and objectivity are two major reasons.  There is more to the story than the line of bullshit so many have been fed from day one as Americans: Israel is always right, and we must support her no matter what since we as Christians need a Jewish state before the Rapture can take place.  Go ahead, tell me I’m wrong.  That’s THE ONLY REASON America has always blindly supported Israel, and that’s THE ONLY REASON so many clueless idiots still do.  That’s why America now stands completely alone in such support.

I am not against Israel.  I am not against a state defending itself.  I am for reason, for considering all of the facts and points of view, for erring on the side of caution, and for demonstrating restraint in matters which endanger innocents.  There is a right way to defeat terrorism and there is a wrong way to defeat terrorism.  This is the wrong way.  Period.

Yet here we are.  Americans stomp their little feet and cry their little eyes out for the horrors Israel must endure, yet Israel visited those same horrors on the Palestinians and British in order to become a nation.  Now, they’ve visited the same horrors on the Lebanese people who weren’t even involved in the fight.  What’s the fucking difference!?

The ends do not justify the means.  Cliché though it may be, it’s true.  I won’t deny the ends can justify the means, but exceptions are tempered with compassion and good judgment.  Israel has practiced neither in this mêlée.

I’ve had it with the bigotry in this country.  I’ve had it with the anti-Arab mentality that permeates every corner of this nation.  I’ve had it with the hate enacted in the name of Jesus Fucking Christ.  You know what?  Fuck Jesus and fuck all this pro-Israel bullshit from idiots and assholes who haven’t a clue.

Hate-filled, empty-headed, war-mongering lowlifes are evil whether they be called pro-Hezb’Allah or pro-Israel.  It’s all the same: animosity and stupidity.  The fact that people can’t see it proves my point.

And let me finish with this Jewish opinion that really summarizes the evil perpetrated by those who support the country regardless of what they do [via Sadly, No!]:

The Yesha Rabbinical Council announced in response to an IDF attack in Kfar Qanna that “according to Jewish law, during a time of battle and war, there is no such term as ‘innocents’…”

“All of the discussions on Christian morality are weakening the spirit of the army and the nation and are costing us in the blood of our soldiers and civilians,” the statement said.

What about the Lebanese civilians?  Oh, sorry.  You already said they’re as noteworthy as dirt.

For all you Christians out there, read the Old Testament to see how it tells you to kill the women and children of your enemies, to murder all men who oppose you (in order to conduct a genocidal interception of their lineage), and to rape and pillage those you deem not of your god.  It’s in there, I assure you, and that’s the mentality running rampant in the Middle East right now.  Don’t you fucking dare say the Arabs are bad for doing as much when this is what you’re supporting.

Sure, now tell me how you support Israel 100%…

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