Open thread

Set aside all the blame and pointing fingers and rhetoric about the Israel/Lebanon catastrophe.  Set aside your own personal feelings.  Now, go read Chris Clarke’s take on it.  In his words: “I cannot stop thinking of kisses.”  It’s a beautiful read, a spark of compassion that takes no sides but instead pours his heart into words from personal experience.  I share his feeling in this case given my own friends in the region.

Grand Rounds 2:45 is available to address your medical blogging fix.

Notice how, when science is used rather than idiotic personal opinion, studies clearly demonstrate that alcohol and tobacco are significantly more harmful than marijuana, LSD, GHB, anabolic steroids, ecstasy, and many other drugs currently deemed illegal.  Huh.  Do you think we should expect a rapid reclassification of drugs based on this unarguable science?

Fill your invertebrate quota at Circus of the Spineless #11.

What are the odds?  “A bar waitress checking to see if a woman was legally old enough to drink was handed her own stolen driver’s license, which was reported missing weeks earlier…”

Red-tailed hawks: This is the species of hawk that lives here in my area and is often seen hunting over the lake.

Mel Gibson doesn’t deserve mention.  He screwed up.  I had a DUI a very long time ago.  Everyone makes mistakes, even the rich and clueless.  We already knew he was an anti-Semite, so his comments are unremarkable despite their revolting nature.  The fact that he’s a misogynist should be news to no one except the newborn.  Who doesn’t know or hasn’t known a belligerent drunk?  To top it off, he’s given two very (on the surface) heartfelt apologies.  I don’t get the hoopla.  It’s just not that important.  He got drunk, he drove, he got caught, his true colors came out, and that’s the whole story.

The cat and the rat: best friends.  You can’t go wrong with that second picture.  And yet, am I the only one bothered with the Mighty Mouse-esque red cape on the rat?

One final thing on the Israel/Lebanon conflict: It’s helping to squash political reform in Iran, thereby strengthening the hold of the good (read as “VERY BAD”) folks in charge of that country at the moment.  I’m glad this has turned out for the best on all fronts.  Aren’t you?  [via Unscrewing the Inscrutable]

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