God of love, huh?

For Jews and Christians, I want to know why your god is so full of love when your own holy texts show he’s the only deity or immortal ever to have killed humans.  That’s right, not even Satan killed anyone who was not offered as a sacrifice by your god.

Here’s the math.

God killed far more than 2,000,000 people, and that doesn’t include large massacres where we have no specific numbers or references in the bible/torah.  That means events like the great flood and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah are not included in that number.

Satan killed only 10 people, and the 10 he killed were offered to him as sacrifices by your god as part of the bet he had with the devil on whether or not Job would deny his faith in light of total losses.  That means satan killed no one who your god did not already mark for death and specifically give to his nemesis to be killed.

That is the loving god you worship.  He’s a murderer, a killer, a destroyer of children and families.  If your religious texts are the inspired word of your evil little warlord of a god, he is an admitted hater of people who will not hesitate to wipe them out.

Maybe I’ve misunderstood the meaning of love…

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