All the best to Waffles

I began reading The Poor Man Institute for Freedom and Democracy and A Pony four or five years ago (I don’t remember specifically when).  In fact, The Editors happens to be the first blogger I followed regularly.  He’s witty, sharply intelligent, progressive, freethinking, and he loves cats.

Not only do cats share his home, but he’s fostered many in the time I’ve followed his writing.

Did I mention he loves cats?  Anyway, he does.  Loves cats, that is.

The Editors lives in Austin and certainly because of that is automatically cool (it’s the only truly liberal and thinking city in all of Texas, and it’s undeniable coolness factor is off the scale for the bible belt in which it exists).  More importantly, he likes cats.

Oh, did I already mention that?  Well, he does.

You may remember I called your attention to it when The Editors introduced us to Waffles, his new kitten at the time.

It’s therefore extremely unfortunate to see this disheartening news about Waffles.

Waffles the cat was attacked by a wandering Chow Chow this evening, because we live in the fucking ghetto. He has lost a lot of blood, broken his upper jaw, damaged his lungs, and may be bleeding from his brain. He is the sweetest cat I’ve ever known, and I don’t want to have to say goodbye to him.

He follows that will all that matters:

I love you, Waffles. Please get well.

Go take a look at some pictures of Waffles.  While you’re there, don’t hesitate to leave a comment of support.

In the meantime, and only because so often the seemingly most inappropriate time to say so is the most important time to do just that, this once again reiterates one of the many reasons why cats should be kept inside.  I cannot stress that enough.  Add years to their lives and their relationships by keeping them inside.

Why do these things make me cry…

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