Open thread

Before you do anything else, you must go watch this video of Keith Olbermann.  He does great honor to Edward R. Murrow, I think, in this thrashing of Bush et al. for their combined attack on Clinton following the Republican propaganda interview on Faux News (an interview, by the way, setup under false pretenses by Chris Wallace who obviously has zero integrity, much like Fox News I’m afraid).  The entire right-wing rabid response team already jumped on Clinton for being “mad” and “crazed” and whatever.  Partisanship and dishonesty is all they have left.  It’s disgusting.  Olbermann does a wondrous job of taking them all to task.  This man is brilliant, I tell you.  Go.  Really listen to him.

And speaking of Olbermann, someone sent him a piece of snail mail with white powder in it.  How would you react under those circumstances?  He’s an outspoken critic of King George and is régime.  The anthrax attacks are still unsolved and unstoppable given how often these things happen.  Oh, and the domestic terrorist attack happened five years ago.  Again I ask: How would you react?  When Olbermann asked that he be checked out by a physician, the “liberal media” mocked him by pondering whether or not the hospital “gave him a lollipop on the way out.”  The annotation is disturbingly correct: “You can be sure that it would be front page news for The [New York] Post with pictures of Limbaugh going to the hospital–including interviews with the police and anyone else they could find to make a statement. Then there would be a tidal wave on FOX News–you know the drill.”

Kindasleezy Rice—known by her johns as Condi—has been on a tear lately right alongside the rest of Dubya’s cronies.  They’re trying to sway our opinion of Clinton’s interview with Faux News.  They’re also trying to convince us by inference and outright lies that the Court of King George played a very different role in 9/11 than what all the facts might otherwise say.  They’re obviously pulling the details right out of the horribly deceitful “Path to 9/11” so dishonestly portrayed by ABC/Disney.  In fact, the coke-sniffin’-and-bottle-tippin’ president has everyone under his control working feverishly to convince the American people that the 9/11 Commission Report isn’t as trustworthy as the fictional and partisan retelling of history shown on your local ABC affiliate.  I hate to point it out, but Kindasleezy got caught in a HUGE lie about the whole thing.  This is the new America.  It’s run by a pack of lying whores and demons.  Deal with it.

Tangled Bank #63 has the best science writing available, so give it a browse and see if you can’t find yerself some learnin’.

Go see it.  It’s the best cartoon take on David Broder’s admission that he used his influence over the national press corps in 2000 to mount a personal attack against Al Gore while being rather and blindly generous to George W. Bush.  You’ll laugh or you’ll cry or you’ll do both.

I can’t argue with anyone saying the country is worse now than before King George was elected.  I mean, we’ve now fallen from #1 to #6 “in the World Economic Forum’s annual rankings.”  Uh-huh, it’s that bad, so bad that the world actually noticed how much our economy sucks.  What else must we give up for this administration?  Our moral high ground?  Oops, already gone.  Our military might?  It’s spread too thin and overtaxed and couldn’t save a kitten from a tree right now.  Our financial mastery of the globe?  You just saw that get tossed out the window by six places.  That leaves our scientific and technological superiority.  Need I remind you how safe that is in the hands of Republicans?

This is beyond disturbing.  Conservative efforts to villify all dissent causes the recently announced (and anti-Bush truthiness) National Intelligence Estimate to say: “Anti-U.S. and anti-globalization sentiment is on the rise and fueling other radical ideologies. This could prompt some leftist, nationalist, or separatist groups to adopt terrorist methods to attack US interests.”  Leftist?  So non-Republican members of society are now specifically and directly listed as threats to national security?  What fucking communist country do we live in?  For fuck’s sake, people, wake the hell up, will you?  Jesus Fucking Christ On A Fucking Crutch!  I guess America is dead…

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