
In honor of the Republican defeat (even with the Senate still in question at this hour, the GOP’s losses are staggering and a defeat by any standard of measurement), today’s word is dedicated to them.  I again hope the conservative movement uses this thrashing as a catalyst for introspection and change.  If they can return to their roots and find once again their original political platform, I think they’ll have plenty to offer America and will be worthy contenders in future races.

moribund (mor·i·bund): / MOR uh buhnd /

(1) dying or near death
(2) stagnant; not progressing; lacking vitality or a sense of purpose
(3) becoming obsolete or extinct

[From Latin moribundus, from Latin mori meaning “to die.”]

Usage: Last night’s mid-term election proved America’s political landscape considers the Republicans moribund by every definition of the word.

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