An unwitting clue

Look at today’s Random Thought.  After you read it, look at who wrote it and to whom he wrote it.  Take special note of the name of the recipient—especially the last name.

Ring any bells?

I didn’t realize until after I’d decided to post the quote that I was unintentionally providing a clue as to some of the new background for Carr Beholden provided in the book.  Remember, the hotel was built in 1832.  Look at the date of the letter.

One might have thought it happenstance to post the quote today, but in honesty, I just finished developing the expanded history of Dave’s house in addition to Jefferson and Kingswell, so I’d easily suspect the idea was still rolling around in my head and subconsciously directed me to post that specific quote.

Anyway, I thought it worth mentioning.  I won’t say how it’s related but will say it was worth pointing out to you.

[Update] Lest someone ask the question first, yes, Jefferson, Texas, is named after Thomas Jefferson.  That’s public record and easily discovered, so you’ll already know that’s one piece of the history, but it’s not the only link between Carr and Jefferson—and Kingswell, at least in my world.  One thing that might change are the dates I originally used for the hotel.  That would be necessary to fit it with the real schedule of events in the area (e.g., Jefferson’s founding and eventual incorporation).  I suspect the hotel will have to be built between 1843 and 1845, but I’m still working on those details and may end up manipulating history a bit anyway—something I already have to do in order to make Kingswell exist.

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