Open thread

Republicans unite!  If we don’t Save Britney’s Marriage, the institution will crumble and society will fail.  Jon Swift does it again; go get a wonderful load of sarcasm about the anti-gay marriage movement and why it’s critical that we save Britney’s relationship before the world goes to hell.

Color me NOT surprised.  “The United States vetoed a U.N. Security Council draft resolution Saturday that sought to condemn an Israeli military offensive in the Gaza Strip and demand Israeli troops pull out of the territory.”  Hell, we won’t even allow a slap on the wrist when they kill innocent families—including a bunch of children.  And people wonder why the Arab world hates us.  It’s for a good reason: we’re biased assholes who won’t ever let Israel get what it deserves politically.

Carnival of the Godless #53 is quite extensive and covers a great many topics.  Don’t miss it.

Dan Savage talks about The Code of the Callboy and how it relates to Ted Haggard.  “Today gay and bisexual men live openly, making the modern closet a much less crowded place. While once all the best gay men were closeted, now the only adults you find in the closet are the fearful, the pathetic and the hypocritical. The men you meet in today’s closet are the ones with a great deal to lose if their secrets are exposed. They’re gay men with lucrative careers that would collapse if they came out; gay men whose obscenely wealthy families would disown them if they lived openly; or gay men leading large congregations that would dismiss them if they knew the truth about their pastor. A less crowded closet doesn’t just mean slimmer pickings for men like Ted Haggard, but unreliable ones as well. While once you could be certain that the closeted gay man you were sleeping with would still be closeted 10 or 20 years in the future, now you never know. The closeted gay man you entrust with your secret today may be out next year. As he has nothing left to hide, your secret is no longer safe. Better hope you parted on good terms.”  It’s a very good and humorous read.

Hovercraft dogs.  Must be a new breed.

Carnival of the Cats #138 is just gushing with links to cat photos and posts, so don’t forget to check it out.

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