
My brain rendered gibberish this morning when queried for a word to share, so instead of tapping my own vocabulary, I offer this: the longest non-technical word in the English language (accepting floccinaucinihilipilification, a noun and the root of today’s word, which many dictionaries incorrectly list as the longest non-technical word).

This word is generally not used except by erudite elitists attempting to demonstrate some level of intelligence far superior to most others, but such incidents rarely show intellect as much as arrogant snobbishness, condescension, pomposity, and unmitigated self-importance.  That undoubtedly explains why it recently has seen an increase in usage within the chambers and among the members of America’s Congress (although they have focused either on the root [-fication] or attempting to establish new, longer variants [e.g. floccinaucinihilipilificationism by Senator Robert Byrd]).

floccinaucinihilipilificatious (floc·ci·nau·ci·ni·hil·i&mid dot;pil·i·fi·ca·tious): / flok suh naw suh nahy hil uh pil uh fi KAY shuhs /

(1) small; insignificant; immaterial; trivial; valueless; worthless; of no importance; trifling; essentially “like nothing”

[From Latin flocci (“a wisp or piece of wool”) + Latin nauci (“a trifle”) + Latin nihili (“nothing; something worthless”) + Latin pili (“a hair; a bit or a whit; something small and insignificant”) + Latin facio, from Latin facere (“to make or do”) and the root of the suffixes -fication and -ficatious.]

Usage: Most people who use ‘floccinaucinihilipilification’ and its derivatives are intellectually floccinaucinihilipilificatious.

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