
I thought it time to cover this one since I use it regularly.

visceral (vis·cer·al): / VIS er uhl /

(1) proceeding from or characterized by instinct rather than reason and thought; not intellectual; lacking observation
(2) dealing with primitive or base emotions; earthy; crude; lacking perception; unrefined
(3) felt in or as if from the viscera; deep
(4) located in, on, or among, relating to, or affecting the viscera

[From Latin visceralis, from Latin viscera (“internal organs,” from the plural of Latin viscus meaning “flesh”) + -al (“of the kind of, pertaining to, having the form or character of,” ultimately from Latin -alis meaning “of, relating to, or characterized by”).]

Usage: Visceral hate of all things gay blinds the morally indigent to the needs of the poor, homeless, sick, infirm, hungry, and even the environment.

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