Open thread

There is now reason to believe there is liquid water on Mars.  I cannot stress the importance of this discovery.  NASA reports strong evidence to indicate water activity within the last seven years.  It’s important to note this finding is in addition to the reports of frozen water.  The critical aspect here is that it is liquid.

Talk about sea monster.  “A huge deep-sea fish dragged a fishing boat over 37 kilometres [23 miles or 20 nautical miles] on Saturday after it got caught in a net, eventually dying of exhaustion, in Shandong Province. [. . .] The boat stopped moving after four hours and the fishermen dragged the net ashore to find a 240-kilogram [529-pound] fish in it.”  [via Craig at Deep-Sea News]

Munch… munch… munch…  “A giant black hole has been caught red-handed dipping into a cosmic cookie jar of stars by NASA’s Galaxy Evolution Explorer. This is the first time astronomers have seen the whole process of a black hole eating a star, from its first to nearly final bites.”

Tiny animals on fingers.  How can you go wrong with a gallery like that!  [via Mark at Biomes Blog]

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