Free association

I’m still recovering from The Bug.  You know, it’s What’s Going Around.  I’m sure it’s called by other names as well, things like The Creeping Crud, Manifest Misery, The Plague, and This Damned Cold.  Since yesterday was the first day my condition did not decline as compared to the day before, at least since I started feeling sick on Monday, I felt certain I had bottomed out and would begin making a speedy recovery.  Or at least I hoped it would be speedy.  When I awoke this morning, however, I did not feel improved—but I didn’t feel worse either.  I’m still pretty miserable and feel like roadkill thrice run over, what with the nose that hurts when touched from all the blowing and running and sneezing, the throat that has been coughed and ached into raw sensitivity, the dry, burning eyes, the malaise and soreness that permeate every fiber of my being, and the general feeling of unmitigated ickiness.

But it could be worse, I suppose, considering my condition might well have deteriorated since yesterday.  When one already believes one has reached the limits of one’s tolerance for being ill, escalating the effects of said sickness tends to diminish one’s hope for a brighter future—or at least feeling better.  Since I didn’t improve but likewise didn’t deteriorate, there’s still hope.  I think.

So I said all that here because I’m sure The Bug will influence my answers to this week’s free association.  It’s hard for me to focus and think at present because I’m still in a fog punctuated only by the sound of my own moaning and groaning—not to mention the ringing and constant pressure changes in my ears.  Keep that in mind.  I promise not to write “I’m dying!” all the way through the list, but I’ll tell you now that’s precisely how I feel.

Now that I’ve bored you with tales of woe from the xenogere household, or at least its lead proprietor, let’s get the show started…

  1. Resolution ::
  2. Happy ::
  3. Bubbly ::
  4. Kiss ::
  5. Leather ::
  6. Fancy ::
  7. Pages ::
  8. Stupid ::
  9. Apologize ::
  10. Secrets ::

Here’s what my sickly brain came up with—based on very little thinking, I’ll admit.

  1. Resolution :: to feel better
  2. Happy :: not so much
  3. Bubbly :: are you talking about my nose?
  4. Kiss :: of death
  5. Leather :: dead cow
  6. Fancy :: schmancy
  7. Pages :: is someone keeping tabs on Mark Foley?
  8. Stupid :: I feel that way right now
  9. Apologize :: for not being more urbane or humorous in my responses
  10. Secrets :: everyone has them

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