I beg your forgiveness

Too much time swirled down the drain.  Hunting for some nature photos to post wound up eating far too much of my evening.  The Kids deserve more, as does Dreamdarkers to a lesser degree.

I suspect this means the end of robust post counts scheduled the night before.  So be it if that’s the case.

My children need me, and I so desperately need them.  Sitting before the computer trying to find a tidbit here and there to post turned into a frustrating, self-deprecating attempt to do something that needn’t be done.

So tomorrow, perhaps, I’ll post some nature photos and will likewise skip posting photos of any of the cats.  I’ll gladly make that sacrifice for them.

After some time brushing and playing and loving and sharing, I may tinker a bit with the book if I have time.  But they come first.  They have to.

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