Open thread

Once again the pet food recall has been expanded to include additional products and additional production dates.  If you’re not already checking the FDA’s recall information page on a regular basis, you’re doing a disservice to every animal companion in your home.

I and the Bird #47 has all the birding goodness you can handle.  Fly on over and check it out.

This goes along with previous news of its type, and it simply reinforces what I’ve said all along: legalize marijuana (and some other drugs, and decriminalize all of them).  To wit, “The active compound in marijuana, THC, can slow the growth of lung tumours and reduce the spread of the cancer in mice, a preliminary study reveals. Human lung cancer tumours grew less than half as fast in mice that received moderate doses of the compound, the researchers reveal.”  And that after revelations that alcohol and tobacco are far more dangerous than ecstasy, marijuana, and cocaine—not to mention pretty much every other “illegal” drug.

So how’s that War on Drugs™ going anyway?  Sales are up, right?  Usage is up, right?  Enforcement is making more and more mistakes by attacking and killing innocent people, right?  All while tobacco and alcohol kill far more people on a daily basis than the rest of the drugs can claim.  Ah, the sound of success… or something.

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