Beggars would ride

My intentions skirted the mundane and grandiose.  Within them rested the wish to share a photo or two—or half a dozen.  They wafted about the experience of seeing a turtle on the road today, one I skirted carefully and beat myself up over as I did so.  They pranced upon the many images I considered offering.  And they wisped me away to worlds both known and unimaginable as my heart and mind acted as one.

But no such thing shall you behold this day.  Already the hour grows late, yet too much cries for my attention.

I promise to share new photos of Wylie, Rick’s dog, who I have been caring for this past week, and will care for until this coming weekend.

Save the end of the world, no event can stop me from proffering a tidbit or more of the neighborhood cats.

Not even the final setting of the sun could prohibit future tales and photos of my own cats.

Nature’s voice, one heard with quiet loudness and echoing silence, feeds me ample goodies I know you will enjoy.

And what of my plans to move away from Dallas at the end of the year?  Or the progress of Dreamdarkers and End of the Warm Season?

There’s a great deal more, I know.

But none of that will be shown or discussed this evening.  I have neither the time nor energy.

All in due course. . .

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