Short summer?

Unless summer extends well through autumn, this indeed will be the shortest summer we’ve had.  It’s thus far lasted only two weeks, and already the forecast calls for cooler temperatures and a returning chance of rain.

But cooler compared to what?  And in what way?

Well, that’s another story.

Right now, it’s 100°F (38°C), although it was much warmer only an hour ago, and the dewpoint is 66°F (19°C).  That puts the relative humidity at 33%.  While we sit on the century mark.

Miserable?  You betcha.

But starting Thursday we expect the temperatures to drop by 5-10°.  Why?

Increased humidity.  It’s doubtful the mercury’s drop will mean more pleasant days.  On the contrary, higher humidity at these temps simply means more misery.  Sweat doesn’t evaporate as easily now as it would if we had a dry atmosphere.  Now, increase the moisture in the air and imagine what that will do to the body’s ability to cool itself.


Our chances for rain are slim at best.  No relief there, I’m afraid, at least none that is guaranteed.  Still, a rogue shower can offer localized cooling, so we’ll take whatever chances we can get.

Here it is mid-August and we’ve only had two weeks of hot temperatures.  That’s the important part of this equation.

Although the year has been anything but normal, we have high hopes that summer will stick to its regular end-of-year schedule.  That is, these hot temperatures could well come to an end within four weeks, give or take I mean.

Imagine a Texas summer that only lasted four to six weeks.  I mean, what’s that about?

I’ll take it with open arms as I hate hot weather, but I’m still concerned about what the rest of the year has in store for us given the already bizarre experience we’ve had—and I’m not counting the multi-year drought that brought us to this rather unearthly experience.

Then again, if this sudden cooling trend is an indication, averages have become meaningless this time around.  Basically, I think Mother Nature has some surprises up her sleeves for us.  Let’s hope she’s not too violent. . .

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