Breaking my own rule

From Dreamdarkers:

“That darkness ain’t thems, child! They’s just sustainers, them storms is. Youse ain’t gotta worry ’bout them. Uh-uh! Youse gots to worry ’bout what’s drivin’ ’em. Long as youse not caught up in the storms, youse gots a chance. ‘Member that, Elizabeth. You hear me? You ‘member it like it’s the most ‘portant thing youse gots to ‘member. ‘Cause it is.”

I stared at her like she was insane. Well, I knew she was; I had been convinced of that long before, many years before in fact, and I had no doubt whatsoever that Grandmother lacked any semblance of higher reasoning. Nothing she ever said made any sense. Nevertheless, when she spoke of the Dreamdarkers, her voice took on a profound seriousness I saw at no other time. It bothered me more than I knew. No, it frightened me. She could be talking about an ongoing war and say vicious things she meant only in context of what she had just seen, yet that hesitancy disappeared when she spoke of the lightless demons she so feared. I would have ignored it had she ever shouted “Fire!” On the other hand, I would have leaped to my feet, jumped out of my skin, and been scared to death—or whichever came first—had she screamed “The Dreamdarkers is here!”

Threat poured over me as she continued, “You listen up, I’s tellin’ you. I’s not gonna tells you this ‘gain. Don’t you get caught up in them storms. No siree! Youse stays away from them storms no matter what’s youse gots to do.”

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