Sick is as sick does

I awoke just after one this morning and found myself so ill that I didn’t go to work today.  The fight with some kind of stomach ailment continues, so I don’t have much will to do anything.  Nevertheless, I thought I’d share some photos from my recent trip to the family farm.  Hey, I might not have the strength to write anything of interest, but at least I can post some eye candy.

Consider this a visual story about traveling from Dallas to deep within the heart of East Texas woodlands.

As I drove out of Dallas, a giant red Sun hovered over the distant horizon

As I drove out of Dallas, a giant red Sun hovered
over the distant horizon

The interstate quickly moved me from urban to rural Texas

The interstate quickly moved me from urban to rural Texas

After cutting through a few progressively smaller towns, I continued traveling further away from civilization

After cutting through a few progressively smaller towns,
I continued traveling further away from civilization

Finally it was time to leave the beaten path

Finally it was time to leave the beaten path

This small one-lane road wends its way through the deep forest

This small one-lane road wends its way through the deep forest

At times it seems a path through and to a very different world than what most of us know

At times it seems a path through and to a very different world
than what most of us know

Yet along the way, if one is observant, small signs of human life can be found... and not all of them are unseemly

Yet along the way, if one is observant, small signs of human life
can be found… and not all of them are unseemly

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