Capricious rearranging

As I’m wont to do from time to time, xenogere is undergoing some structural changes, organizational rearranging in and of the various categories.

What presently exists will stay, or at least most of it will.  Additions are already in the works and being populated.

Why am I doing this?

I hope to better organize all multimedia content.  That’s step number one.

What’s number two?  I hope to better organize all text content, from creative writing (e.g., life, life as fiction, and fiction) to journaling to whatever.

Again as I’m wont to do, all of this might be for naught.  Managing categorization becomes tedious and, ultimately, burdensome.  Still, I hope to provide a slightly more intelligent grouping of posts along the lines of my present thinking.

Maybe this will only help me.  Maybe it will help others.  Maybe it’s just a waste of time.

[Update] It didn’t take long for me to realize what a terrible headache this idea actually was.  Once again I found myself trying to accomplish something that would require tremendous time and energy to implement and maintain.  That said, it won’t happen on the scale I originally considered.  I may yet reorganize a bit, so don’t consider this issue closed.

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