Sing to me

I spoke to Jenny recently of a pair of Carolina wrens (Thryothorus ludovicianus) who live in the area.  They make appearances around my patio, making their way through the hedges and tree, loud and boisterous throughout every visit.

While I’ve yet to capture any photos of them, I did chance upon one of their brethren during my jaunt January 5 through White Rock Lake’s Old Fish Hatchery Nature Area.

Hours spent following trail after trail left me deep within the old woods where many a marvel I had seen.  Then it happened.

I stood beneath the naked branches of a large tree as I decided where next to go.  As paths crisscross in a menagerie of mazes, getting lost didn’t concern me as much as did not wanting to miss any part of the winter spectacle playing out before my eyes.

Alone and in heaven, I glanced about.

Then the song rang out.

A Carolina wren perched amidst a dense collection of barren limbs above my head.

I stepped carefully, quietly, trying to find the right spot for a photo.  Regrettably, it chose the right position to keep itself enwrapped by the bones of the world unless I stood directly beneath it.  A few steps in any direction placed me at a visual disadvantage.

Nevertheless, the opportunity could not be ignored.  So I looked up and snapped a few photos.

A Carolina wren (Thryothorus ludovicianus) perched on a branch
A Carolina wren (Thryothorus ludovicianus) perched on a branch

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