Where wild things grow

When night rests dark amongst the trees and air falls wet upon the ground, the wild things grow.

A small brick cap mushroom (Hypholoma sublateritium) growing from rotting wood (2009_09_06_028793)

Woodland denizens they are, and haters of the light.

Two small brick cap mushrooms (Hypholoma sublateritium) growing from the base of a tree (2009_09_26_029295)

They wither in places where sunshine reaches through verdant cover.

Three small brick cap mushrooms (Hypholoma sublateritium) beginning to wilt in sunshine (2009_09_26_029296)

Nothing more than creatures of the dark and damp places where we scarcely go.

A large group of brick cap mushrooms (Hypholoma sublateritium) growing at the base of a tree (2009_09_26_029308)

Finding them is simple if you brave the travel to where wild things grow.

[all photos of brick caps (Hypholoma sublateritium)]

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