Category Archives: Loki Photos

That’s something I rarely see

Just after I moved, I was able to capture a rare and seldom seen phenomenon — all four of The Kids resting together.  There are certain combinations I've come to expect, but it's very rare to see all four of them resting in close proximity to each other.  That's just not their style except when it's time to go to bed, in which case they all join me.

I've added the picture to The Kids gallery as well as below.

All four of The Kids together (138_3874)

[left to right: Kazon, Kako, Grendel and Loki]

And you wonder why we call him Mr. Mouth

If you’ve looked at Loki’s page, you’ve probably noticed that one of his nicknames is Mr. Mouth.  Loki got this name because he talks at you rather than with you — and he doesn’t take "no" for an answer.  In fact, Loki’s vocal habits can be one of the deadliest weapons of mass destruction when he gets cranked up.

As an offer of proof of this very thing, take a look at these pictures of Loki.  They were all taken over the course of the last seven (7) years.  Notice anything consistent?


Finally an update to Loki’s gallery

I've finally gotten through the pictures of Loki and have updated his gallery.  Take a look at the highlights before heading over to see all the new pictures.

I've finally done it!  Yes, I finally got through all of the new pictures and updated Loki's gallery.  He was beginning to hurt me on a regular basis because I hadn't gotten to it yet, so you can imagine my relief now that's it's completed.

It was Loki's turn to prance around the kitchen floor in order to get some attention. (105_0506)

As with all of The Kids, Loki loves his attention.  Here he is prancing around the kitchen hoping I'll give him some love.

Here he is resting on the bathroom counter. (111_1188)

As I've explained before, Loki and Kazon will always join me in the bathroom when I'm in there.  Every morning this is what I can look forward to while I'm shaving, brushing my teeth, taking a shower, or whatever I'm doing.  You can tell he's a very helpful boy.

I thought this was a cool picture of him looking over the edge of the bathroom counter. (111_1190)

While he was lying on the bathroom counter, I crouched down to take a picture of him from below.  I thought it came out well (he's very photogenic regardless of what he's doing).

Loki and I playing in the living room. (116_1625)

When Loki plays, he plays for keeps.  I was playing with him in the living room when I tried to pause long enough to take a picture.  He thought the pause was unacceptable and promptly attacked my arm and leg to let me know play time was not over.

He was chasing my hand as we played in the living room (how would you like to see that flying at you?). (116_1626)

While still playing in the living room, I pulled my hand away so I could take a picture.  Again letting me know that this was not acceptable, he promptly threw himself at my hand.  As you can see, that's precisely what I got a picture of.

Here he is grabbing my hand in order to get some attention. (116_1628)

Loki is adamant when it's time for attention.  If you don't give it to him freely, he'll take it by force.  That includes grabbing your hand and pulling it to himself so he can rub against it.  I happened to get this perfect shot of him doing just that.

Oh, and he can practically walk across the room on his hind feet, so seeing him like this is not unusual.  He's the only cat in the house who is very comfortable walking upright or standing still on his hind legs to check something out.

This is my favorite picture of Loki because it captures a close-up of his face in natural light. (119_1943)

This is undoubtedly my favorite picture of Loki.  I was playing with the various settings on the camera and got a beautiful natural light close-up of his face.  Now, Loki knows he's beautiful, but I have to admit that he looks very good in this picture.  Notice the details in his eye color.  You can also see his one white eyebrow (the other one is black).

There are plenty of other new pictures of Loki beginning with the second picture on page 3 of his gallery.

And for those of you who enjoy the not-so-presentable pictures we often find thrown in with the good stuff, here's a picture of Loki you won't find in the gallery.  I promised him I wouldn't put it in his gallery since it's not a very flattering picture of him.  Well, it's not in his gallery, but it's included in this article for the sake of sharing.  Just don't tell Loki…

That'll teach you to lick your chops when Daddy has the camera out. (113_1366)

The Buds get their own gallery

Here's another update to The Kids' gallery.  This time it's Kazon and Loki — The Buds — who get their own gallery along with a few new pictures.

Kazon and Loki have been buddies since we adopted The Twins (Kako and Kazon).  Loki took it upon himself to try to teach Kazon how to be truly evil, but he didn't realize that it's nearly impossible to teach Kazon anything.

Despite that significant hurdle, Loki and Kazon became quick friends and spend much time hanging out — either playing or sleeping or grooming each other or any number of other activities that they share.

Now there's a new gallery specifically for pictures of The Buds.

You'll find some new pictures in their gallery.  For example, Kazon and Loki always help me when I'm in the bathroom.  Regardless of what I'm doing, they'll both be in there with me trying to assist.

You can undoubtedly imagine this isn't always the activity most conducive to actually accomplishing anything, but it is time together with The Kids and something I would not trade for the world.

Loki and Kazon (left to right) coming out of the bathroom after playing under the sink (in the cabinets) for a while. (107_0744)

That's a photo of Loki and Kazon coming out of the bathroom.  In this particular instance they had been playing in the cabinets under the sink.

Kazon and Loki helping Daddy get ready in the morning. (115_1553)

If I'm in the bathroom but not in the shower, this is where you can find Loki and Kazon — on the counter helping.  Whether it's brushing my teeth or shaving or anything else, they'll be there to provide whatever assistance I might need.

In fact, here they are waiting for me to get started so they can help.

Kazon and Loki have a morning ritual -- helping me get ready each morning before work. (115_1554)

You can find more pictures of The Buds in their new gallery.