Tag Archives: alligatorweed (Alternanthera philoxeroides)

let there be new flowering

breathe these last and first like we
and bleed they too
for veins flow deep with crimson life
tender, young, old
dead and alive, alive and dead
weep not, old child, alone
but weep always as your heart loves
touch gently pure tears of dew
wrested from time in eons past
stolen by that you birthed
of forms familiar and foreign, with promises unfulfilled
caressed of pure delight wrought in tears
the night alone can bring
masses seethe, expand, overflow
yielded innocence you offer
while vengeance and wrath await
tawdry lives brushed away
like so much dust
how dare we complain
wash over me
make me anew
mind dipped in eternity’s creation
flow through me
around me
upon me
your vessel I become
the voice in the darkness shouting your deafening silence
my life takes on new flesh
my flesh new life
parting for your sake, I stand rent asunder
brightness betwixt shadow and gloom
am I the only to notice
to care

let the time be for living
let the fields once again flourish
let the we turn mellow
let the you be safe
let the world prosper as it did before our time

in the end
let there be new flowering
