Tag Archives: blue dasher (Pachydiplax longipennis)

Dragons of the lake

Insect season is upon us.  And how I love insects and arachnids…

Thankfully, White Rock Lake offers a plethora of critters to be admired, not the least of which happens to be a robust population of dragonflies.

A male swift setwing (Dythemis velox) perched on a twig (2009_06_21_024578)

Swift setwing (Dythemis velox); male

A male widow skimmer (a.k.a. widow; Libellula luctuosa) perched on a twig (2009_06_14_023531)

Widow skimmer (a.k.a. widow; Libellula luctuosa); male

A male blue dasher (a.k.a. swift long-winged skimmer or blue pirate; Pachydiplax longipennis) perched on a reed (2009_06_14_023562)

Blue dasher (a.k.a. swift long-winged skimmer or blue pirate; Pachydiplax longipennis); male

A male eastern pondhawk (a.k.a. common pondhawk or green jacket; Erythemis simplicicollis) resting on the ground (2009_06_07_022710)

Eastern pondhawk (a.k.a. common pondhawk or green jacket; Erythemis simplicicollis); male

A female great blue skimmer (Libellula vibrans) perched on a limb (2009_06_07_022702)

Great blue skimmer (Libellula vibrans); female

A springwater dancer (Argia plana) resting on the ground (2009_06_14_023408)

Springwater dancer (Argia plana)