I've spent most of the last week being absolutely miserable. Whether it was a summer cold, a severe allergy attack, or some other kind of evil, I've suffered from a case of the creeping crud since Tuesday. It started out in my sinuses, so I assumed originally that I was having an allergy attack. Then my throat got soar and my chest tightened up and I wallowed in misery for several days.
I'm feeling better now, but don't expect me to run a marathon just yet. I'm still blowing my nose like I have a massive investment in tissue paper and believe I may have rubbed several layers of skin off of my face in the process. I can't prove it yet, but I may have actually coughed up a lung without realizing it.
The coughing and sore throat are almost gone now. I won't miss them.
So I've napped until I can't nap anymore — OK, that's not true since all I've wanted to do is sleep.
Well, regardless of what it was, it's going away now. That works for me. All I can say is that having anything similar to this when it's hot makes it that much more miserable. Believe me, this is the voice of experience speaking here.
And if I ever find out it was a cold and who gave it to me, I'm gonna go Postal all over 'em.