The WB’s “Supernatural”

I've caught this show, Supernatural, a few times on The WB.  I'd read some good critical reviews of it before the premiere.  You know I'm a sci-fi and horror fan, so, given the positive appraisals, resisting it seemed an exercise in futility.  I therefore decided I could at least give it a try.  The worst thing that could happen is I would waste an hour of my time.

Thus far (and remember this is based on having seen two episodes only) I've found the show to be quite interesting despite the melodramatic approach which has become formulaic for The WB's programming.  The stories have been diverse and compelling, ghost stories as it were, told with intelligence, intrigue and interest.  Each episode revolves around a singular story (the bedeviling otherworldly occurrence of the week) which interweaves with the greater story of two sons searching for their father.

While two episodes lack sufficient reference material upon which to claim a "sense" of the show, first impressions are important, and this show has definitely provided two good first impressions.  I do wish The WB would dial down the angst and unnecessary teen-driven performances and writing.  I still think it may be possible to overlook those issues if they can keep up the spooky titillation the show has thus far been able to provide.  I won't be scheduling TV time to watch it but will equally not flip channels should I find it on.

Before you ask, no, it doesn't hurt that the show provides sufficient eye candy in the forms of Jensen Ackles and Jared Padelecki.  Hey, if I'm going to watch a television show, is there some inherent law that prohibits the inclusion of optical treats to satiate visual desires both gross and subtle?  I didn't think so.

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