Introducing ‘The Snow’

It's unprecedented!  Actually, it may be my über-ich leveling a challenge to my ego.  I am starting yet another series.  That makes three in concurrent development.  Perhaps I'm in over my head.  I suspect I'm just crazy.

This new little endeavor is called “The Snow.”  It is a photographic and artistically stylized tale of truth.  It is one morning of my life captured from Valentine's Day 2004, a wonderful "snow day" in Dallas.

It just keeps getting gooder and gooder

I know gooder isn't a word, but it's so stupid a word that it fits.  I'm not sure what else I can say about this.

Remember Brownie (Michael Brown, former head of FEMA), his terribly obvious inexperience with anything but horses, and his completely fumbled handling of Hurricane Katrina?  No matter which side of this debate you fall on, you should be disgusted by this report from CNN.  In the middle of such a horrific situation, he spent his time joking, being flippant, asking if he could leave, and otherwise wasting time, energy and focus on trivial matters.  It's all in his e-mail…

This, poppets, is the best the Bush administration had to offer.  Yet another example…

‘The Prophet’: On Giving

On giving, and the truth of it, and being worthy of receiving, as well as worthy of being a giver…

You give but little when you give of your possessions.
It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.

There are those who give little of the much which they have — and they give it for recognition and their hidden desire makes their gifts unwholesome.
And there are those who have little and give it all.
These are the believers in life and the bounty of life, and their coffer is never empty.

It is well to give when asked, but it is better to give unasked, through understanding;

And he who has deserved to drink from the ocean of life deserves to fill his cup from your little stream.

And who are you that men should rend their bosom and unveil their pride, that you may see their worth naked and their pride unabashed?
See first that you yourself deserve to be a giver, and an instrument of giving.
For in truth it is life that gives unto life — while you, who deem yourself a giver, are but a witness.

Fireball sightings

From Science@NASA:

“I thought some wise guy was shining a spotlight at me,” says Josh Bowers of New Germany, Pennsylvania. “Then I realized what it was: a fireball in the southern sky. I was doing some backyard astronomy around 9 p.m. on Halloween (Oct. 31, 2005), and this meteor was so bright it made me lose my night vision.”

Bowers wasn’t the only one who saw the fireball. Lots of people were outdoors Trick or Treating. They saw what Bowers saw … and more. Before the night was over, reports of meteors “brighter than a full moon” were streaming in from coast to coast.