Free association

Here’s the weekly installment of free association.  As always, my answers are below the fold.  You’re welcome to play along via the comments.  Simply copy the starter words below and add after each one the first thing that comes to mind.

  1. Replenish::
  2. People::
  3. Trend::
  4. Girlfriends::
  5. Spirit::
  6. Banshee::
  7. Oasis::
  8. Thrills::
  9. Fountain::
  10. Boxes::

  1. Replenish:: invigorate
  2. People:: herd mentality
  3. Trend:: analysis
  4. Girlfriends:: I’ve had my share
  5. Spirit:: wild & free
  6. Banshee:: wailing
  7. Oasis:: friends & family
  8. Thrills:: amusement park
  9. Fountain:: of youth
  10. Boxes:: Kitty Kondos

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