Free association

And now for this week’s free association.  My responses are below the fold.  Don’t hesitate to join in by adding your answers in the comments.

  1. Virus::
  2. Poop::
  3. Smart::
  4. Agent::
  5. Wrap::
  6. Brass::
  7. Waste of time::
  8. Suspicious::
  9. 360::
  10. Dummy::

My answers are below:

  1. Virus:: plague
  2. Poop:: litter box
  3. Smart:: I’m dashing and debonair too
  4. Agent:: FBI
  5. Wrap:: gifts
  6. Brass:: orchestral section
  7. Waste of time:: politics
  8. Suspicious:: presidential motives
  9. 360:: circular
  10. Dummy:: Dubya

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