PZ’s a hoot

I am a science fanatic.  That much should be obvious by even the most cursory glance at my blog list on the left, not to mention if you have visited here more than a few times.  Given that I am quite adept with mathematics, I am gifted with a natural proficiency with and interest in physics, my favorite scientific study.  That certainly does not mean I am disinterested in other areas of study.  Nothing could be more untrue.  Science is to me as video games are to so many in recent years: an obsession, something which engages all of the senses equally and vehemently, and a way in which my time can be lost far too easily.

While I may demonstrate a fundamental infatuation aptitude with science in general, I am deficient in two major areas: biology and chemistry.  In no way is that to be interpreted as meaning I am either disinterested in or unfamiliar with either of these disciplines.  I assure you that would be an inaccurate assumption.  It is as simple as I have failed to excel in these areas since high school.  Certainly, I passed my AP courses with aplomb, but I could not muster the same level of obsession with them that came so easily to me with other studies.  It is as simple as they failed to pique my interest.

So why do I read PZ’s (Paul Z.) work over at Pharyngula? Paul is quite a smart man; I know you would not deny him that.  His area of expertise, however, is biology, so why do I read his blog so religiously?

One, as a scientist, he garners a tremendous amount of automatic respect from me.  Two, and equally important, he is full of wit, charm, sarcasm, and common sense that I find terribly engaging.

In times more recent, he has become one of my greatest heroes concerning intelligent design.  Like me, he scoffs at the premise that religious megalomaniacs would support ID with equally radical zeal even if the designer were not assumed the Judaeo-Christian god.  I cannot deny that he has a stronger foundation in this arena: evolutionary biology.  It is at least in that respect alone that I can learn much from him.  Having common political and sociological views also does not hurt.

But he is not just a nerd.  I realize it was his idea to call physicists nerds based on his own sluttiness, but you will be as likely as I to comprehend the nerdiness of all scientists, even in light of Wired’s 2005’s 10 Sexiest Geeks.  It comes with the territory.  Proving my point, see PZ’s response to the preview for the upcoming sequel to The Pirates of the Caribbean; it is a classic example of his very stimulating intellect that only briefly delves into the realm of nerdiness (and who did he call nerds?).  Nevertheless, he still gets nerdy, especially when he speaks about arthropods or, more importantly, cephalopods.

I point all of this out because Pharyngula is an excellent blog to read frequently.  Some of you will not be as interested in his ramblings as I.  Then again, some of you might.  I care not on which side of that fence you stake your tent; I only care that you give him a chance to enthrall and entertain you with solid scientific merriment combined with doses of politics, sociology, opinion, entertainment, and just plain ol’ charm.

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