Free association

I should have posted this yesterday.  I forgot.  Oh well…

Herein lies this week’s free association.  My answers are hidden below the fold as always, and you’re invited to join in via the comments.

  1. Celebrate::
  2. Resolve::
  3. I need to::
  4. Call::
  5. Token::
  6. Brand::
  7. Comparison::
  8. Far away::
  9. Artful::
  10. Fantastic::

  1. Celebrate:: ding dong the witch is dead
  2. Resolve:: tenacity
  3. I need to:: shampoo the carpet (think Grendel and more than two weeks of his nausea)
  4. Call:: on me
  5. Token:: memorabilia
  6. Brand:: labeling
  7. Comparison:: shopping
  8. Far away:: take me
  9. Artful:: dance
  10. Fantastic:: Four (Chris Evans – Yum!)

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