…about the site.
Regardless of what I may post during the week, you can always expect me to post something about The Kids on Friday. It’s called catblogging and it’s traditional to do it on Friday. I’ll always post something if it strikes my fancy regardless of what day of the week it might be, but I also try always to post something on Fridays regardless of what has been posted before.
The weekly internet quizzes are always just for fun. Sure, some of them can be terribly accurate while others are telling of the test’s author and their perception of the world, but I really post them for the hell of it and to give you something interactive to play with while you’re cruisin’ the ‘net. Get your mind out of the gutter, thank you very much. I normally do the weekly internet quiz on Friday. It seems a good way to end the week, I suppose, but more for me and less as a consideration of you. I’m selfish that way.
Sundries come as they may. When several items catch my attention and I believe them worthy of mention, I’ll usually throw up a sundries post. There’s no rhyme or reason; it has everything to do with how many things I’ve seen that are important enough to mention (IMO).
Free associations are generally posted every Sunday. I don’t always keep that schedule, but I try.