Merrill Keiser, Jr., is a trucker with no political background running for a U.S. Sentate seat in Ohio. Because he registered as a Democrat the last time he voted, he’s decided to run as a Democrat during the state’s primaries in which he hopes to grab a place on the November ballot. What makes Keiser worthy of mention?
He thinks homosexuals should get the death penalty. As far as he’s concerned, being gay should be a felony punishable by death. As he puts it, “Just like we have laws against murder, we have laws against stealing, we have laws against taking drugs — we should have laws against immoral conduct.”
I grow weary of being the target of so much hate. The immorality of those claiming superior morals is blatantly intolerant, and this represents the most horrific demonstration.
We can only hope this fiendish troglodyte fails in his quest for power.
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