Changing the frequency of sundries

I generally post a sundries entry every Friday along with the carnival barking, but unlike carnivals the sundries posts are intended to highlight tidbits that I see and think worthy of sharing with you.  Sadly, posting once per week means they usually go through several iterations in development before being finalized, and that often means I remove items that seem out of date (i.e., something that caught my eye on Monday and was good enough to share may be gone or superseded by Friday with something less interesting, so neither make it into the post).

What I will be doing from now on is posting sundries as appropriate.  That could be daily, every few days, or only once per week depending on what’s happened in the time since the last entry.  While this was what asides were originally intended to address, that concept only works if there’s only one thing to post, and I think we all know that’s rarely the case anymore.

I also know I sometimes do not provide sufficient information for links in the sundries posts to identify precisely what the target is about, so I will make a concerted effort to be a bit more descriptive (sans excessive verbosity) so you can more easily identify what might be of interest to you.

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