I wasn’t going to talk about this, but…

I try to avoid talking about Ann Coulter.  It’s not that I don’t think what she has to say is worth hearing; it’s just that I don’t think what she has to say is worth saying or hearing, let alone repeating.  The woman has made a career out of heartless and cowardly comedy acts constructed in the name of political punditry.  She’s a staunch conservative who feels that all liberals are godless heathen out to ruin the once great theocracy that is America.  Sadly, she’s also an evil wench who epitomizes all that is distasteful and vitriolically partisan.  That’s apparently why she’s so popular in Republican circles and so reviled in Democrat ones.

Thankfully, Betty Bowers saves me from wasting wit on the undeserving.

In Godless, Miss (oh, how it pains me to refer to that serially-rejected spinster as “Miss,” but something Miss Coulter usually eschews — accuracy — compels me) Coulter turns her shrill furnace of brayed invective, fueled by a bottomless quarry of prickly psychological damage, at the most despicable people in the world. No, not the maniacal murderers who flew planes into the World Trade Center towers, but the blameless Americans who had their flesh burned off of their bodies in those buildings — and the inconsolable spouses they left behind.

Yes, she directs an anger that shirks all management on women whose husbands were murdered on 9/11. Apparently, in Miss Coulter’s religion, the meek may inherit the Earth, but not before she’s had a shot at making them cry first. With a mouth so busy frothing it apparently has no time to eat, Miss Coulter claims to be livid at these opportunistic widows for being crass enough to remember the event that killed the father of their children. She also gets prickly about them being compensated as a result of the catastrophe.

Frankly, I think she is simply exhibiting a fierce territoriality on behalf of herself and other Republicans who have used 9/11 to win elections and sell books. Her attitude seems to be: Exploiting 9/11 is our shtick — find your own way to make money! This must account for why she doesn’t take Lisa Beamer to task for registering “Let’s Roll!™” on the trinkets she sold on the Internet.

Go read the whole thing.  It’s fantastic.

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