More on science censorship from the White House

From Bad Astronomy:

NASA has publicly admitted that White House appointee George Deutsch inappropriately denied press interviews with global warming scientist James Hansen.

In response to the admission, sadly we must note Joe Lieberman’s concern about continuing censorship and manipulation of science taking place elsewhere in the Bush administration:

“In the time it took NASA to acknowledge that the censorship of Dr. Hansen was inappropriate, new charges of suppressing climate science have arisen at the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration and the U.S. Forest Service,” Lieberman said. “Reports of this disturbing practice have now arisen at four federal agencies: EPA, NASA, NOAA, and the Forest Service. It is time for the White House to stop suppressing important climate change information that the public has a right to know and needs to know.”

I can not suggest strongly enough that you read the entire article.  It would appear that the first evidence is in and clearly indicates the White House is engaging in a methodical and concerted effort to censor, edit, manipulate, and hide science coming from governmental agencies, especially with regards to global warming, but also — and get this! — with trying to sneak creationism into anything that mentions the Big Bang.

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