This is no place for an animal lover

A grim tale of the needle and the damage done:

It is early morning at the Stanislaus County Animal Shelter. And for you, the animal care specialist, the day opens in minor chords.

You walk to the computer and print out the list of dogs that fill dozens of the agency’s kennels. You sit there with your coffee, highlighting in yellow marker the ones that have been here for five days. They’ve all got a story.

Someone stopped loving him. No one ever loved her. He got too big. She started chewing on sprinklers. He bit a child. Her owner is out of town, and the house sitter noticed the dog got out but didn’t bother to call the shelter. Whatever happened, it doesn’t matter now: Their time is up.

You move to the first noisy cage. As you open the door, a few dogs try to escape, while others cram themselves into the far corners to avoid you. Everyone on the outside says the animals have no idea what’s coming, but you’ve seen too much proof to the contrary. Yes, on some sad level, they know.

Just go read the whole article.  ‘Nuff said.

[via Tales & Tails of New York]

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