Free association

Since I’ve missed two weeks of this due to extenuating circumstances, I’m consolidating those two weeks into a single entry.  Here’s the free association.  I’ll try to keep up in the future.

As always, you’re welcome to play along in the comments if you so choose, and my responses are below the fold.

  1. Band ::
  2. Tan ::
  3. Mount ::
  4. Arcade ::
  5. Customize ::
  6. Hamburger ::
  7. Solid ::
  8. Forbidden ::
  9. Deter ::
  10. Torment ::
  11. Voice ::
  12. Us ::
  13. Passionately ::
  14. Humbly ::
  15. Love songs ::
  16. Dim ::
  17. Calendar ::
  18. Careless ::
  19. Block ::
  20. Goal ::

And now for my synaptic discharge…

  1. Band :: Aid
  2. Tan :: a personal weakness: dark skin
  3. Mount :: I love it when you talk dirty
  4. Arcade :: PacMan and Asteroids (I’m really showing my age here, eh?)
  5. Customize :: personalize
  6. Hamburger :: Going to Jake’s with Rick (two yummies in one sitting)
  7. Solid :: food
  8. Forbidden :: fruit (haven’t we all sampled from the tree?)
  9. Deter :: from action
  10. Torment :: anguish
  11. Voice :: opinion
  12. Us :: them
  13. Passionately :: kiss
  14. Humbly :: beg your forgiveness
  15. Love songs :: ballad
  16. Dim :: light switch
  17. Calendar :: the enemy of fun
  18. Careless :: slipshod
  19. Block :: of cheese
  20. Goal :: World Cup (the only real football)

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