Open thread

Carnival Of The Cats #117 is comfortingly extensive this time around.  There’s a lot to enjoy.

Friday Ark #91 is full of all manner of animal goodness.

Weekend Cat Blogging #54 always has links to great cat photos and stories.  Oh, and Kiri is very unhappy about the dog.  Could you tell?

“This could be that ‘Hot, Hung, Athletic’ guy you’re talkin’ to online…”  Ow!  My eyes!  I’ve gone blind…

English as the national language.  Short and sweet, and don’t you feel violated somehow, taken advantage of even?

The kitten of doom.  I’ve seen this video before, but it’s always worth a smile and a chuckle.  It’s best without sound in this instance.

This is quite funny in a mathematically nerdy kind of way.  Just how does one prove that 1 + 1 = 2?  In Principia Mathematica, it took hundreds of pages for the authors to realize they couldn’t really prove it at all.

An old yet compelling example of interspecies adoption: a lioness who keeps adopting the calves of what would normally be her prey.  In fact, she did it five times in 2002 alone.  [via Biomes Blog]

Birds in the News 63 (v2n14) is available for your avian fetish.

It seems increasingly difficult to find agreement with religious people of late, at least from my perspective as one of the hated, disenfranchised, intolerable, segregated, and otherwise rejected members of our society; therefore, you can imagine my joy when something crosses my radar that shows there are still a few out there who really do understand and practice what they preach.  Especially when they’re gay.  This e-mail to Andrew Sullivan is just such a piece of work.  It even brought a tear to my eye, and not because I suddenly felt the grace of their god.  It touched me because this man truly believes in the religion now being wielded against him.  He feels his faith has been violated and that those preaching bigotry in the name of his god are being led astray.  Please, go read it.

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