I’m having a difficult time getting started this morning. I’m not feeling well at all, something I learned earlier is shared with Rick who appears to have the same thing (he at least has all the same symptoms). This morning has been slow to get started and hard to keep moving. Oh well.
Let me get some soup and something-or-other for lunch to see if a little fuel will help—assuming it stays down, something that has not been guaranteed since yesterday afternoon.
Once I have my wits about me… Wait, let me rethink that. If I get my wits about me, I’ll post a bit later. Don’t expect too much thought. The best you can hope for is some heavy breathing, and that only if you’re lucky. Otherwise, I’ll post some photos and maybe a video (I keep meaning to do that but have not had the ambition necessary to find and prepare one). If any mental currency is available, it will be spent on the book and job hunting, and not necessarily in that order.
Mostly, I just want to sleep.