Feline intelligence

Loki is extremely intelligent.  I mean smart in the worst possible way: the evil, manipulative, controlling, self-centered, self-serving, demanding, scheming, calculating, unscrupulous, cunning way that demands respect and fear.  He is, after all, The Great Satan (just “Satan” to those of us who know him personally).  As a kitten, however, he was not smart at all.  Reduced to its simplest: at minimum, he was demonstrably obtuse.

The laughing was perpetual when considering his intelligence as a child.  Doorstops were of particular interest to him.  Where I lived at the time, they were springs with rubber stoppers on the ends.  Loki would “discover” the doorstops on a daily basis, sometimes several times per day, and his accomplishment would be heralded by hearing those springs making repeated noises as he batted at them.  He would normally abuse one for several minutes before walking away.  The running joke was that he was relearning over and over again precisely why they were boring toys.  That is: “Oh, okay, now I remember.  I don’t like these.  They’re not really fun at all, and they’re stuck to the wall which makes them hard to play with.”  Regrettably, everyone assumed this repetitive demonstration of learning incapacity was an indication he would grow up to be an exceptionally dimwitted cat.

Only later did it become evident he was either a late bloomer when it came to smarts or was expertly manipulative even as a kitten.  While the latter is painfully obvious and quite true now, I have long believed he truly was an imbecile when he was young.  The contrast between that fluff ball and the abomination that now lives with me is so entirely perceptible that one cannot fathom the journey from one to the other.  And yet it is all quite true.

Now, of course, he is the smartest cat in the house.  He learns words and their meanings with ease.  When he suddenly became willing to give kisses in the last few months, it took him less than a week to learn the word and to respond accordingly.  He has no questions regarding how to get the other cats in trouble, something he does with finesse and regularity.  When the mood strikes him, he will pester someone until he goads them into playing, and then he pushes their buttons until they explode and are disciplined for trying to hurt him.  He knows all the tricks for dislocating someone who happens to be in the spot where he wants to be.  For example, to get someone off my lap, he will politely but firmly insert himself into the mix and slowly push the other cat off until they get angry or frustrated, at which point they leave and he gets the spot he wanted (again, sometimes they will respond with violence and get in trouble for being unduly rude, at which point they leave and he still wins).  I could go on, but you surely see my point.

In the scheme of living creatures, he is the worst kind of smart, the Dr. Evil mixed with Dr. No kind of smart.  Yet, when I see him demonstrate the sharp intellect that hides behind the beautiful exterior, I cannot help but remember that kitten who never remembered that he did not like playing with the doorstops until he sat and piddled with them for several minutes, and that on a daily basis, and often more than once per day.  It is somewhat difficult to believe the dirty family secret grew up to become a very different kind of dirty family secret.  You know: “Why, no, officer, my cat doesn’t go steal souls at night and didn’t burn down that church and would absolutely not have tripped that old lady trying to cross the street.  You must be looking for a different cat.”

Dying alone redux

[I’m such an idiot; I wrote the original Dying alone intending to post it with the photos seen in this post; now more than four months later, I’ve only just realized I never posted the photos; oops; the text below is a minor rewrite of the original post; all photos are of the same male cicada-killer wasp (Sphecius speciosus) taken over the course of two days; I couldn’t find him on the third day or any day that followed it and could only assume his time had ended]

Male cicada-killer wasp resting on a leaf (147_4785)

He is the last of his kind.  I wonder if he at all realizes that in the vastness of his universe that encompasses such a small part of my own, he is utterly and completely without a clan.  It is a wretched curse for one so small.

He stands guard ready to challenge other males of his species.  There will be no such challenges for there are no other males.  He is the sole remaining example of these gargantuans.  Diligent in his resolve to protect his space from enemies, those enemies will never come.  He is the lone sentry from a generation of sentries that already perished.

He hopes to propagate his species, to continue the family line with available females.  There are no such females.  The last one died earlier today.  If he did not mate before then, he will never have another opportunity.  His lifetime is now one of aloneness.

He protects the now sleeping children, the last traces of his generation, and the offspring of his colony.  They are children he will never know and will never see.  Safely entombed in the ground, they will sleep for a year before taking up the dance he alone dances.  These children will never know their parents as these parents will never know their children, and yet he does not waver in his resolve.

Male cicada-killer wasp resting on a leaf (148_4801)

He is the last bastion of a dying race whose hopes rest solely in the ground he surveys from time to time as he answers his own genetic programming by still giving chase to anything that floats or flies by him.  Because there are no others, he wrestles only with time as he awaits his own end.

There are no witnesses save himself who know of the life and death struggle of his kin, the members of this vast settlement who have already expended what little time they had on this planet.  With so many burrows scattered about, one can only hope he shared in the brief tumult that is their existence.  He will never have another chance.

He is heartbreakingly alone now.  There will be no others before he dies.  The purpose of his life can no longer be fulfilled, so he stands on his own waiting for death to embrace him.  He will die alone much unlike the rest of his kind; instead, they faced death in the company of others, something he can only dream of.

Watching him patrol a territory now devoid of his species, I wonder if he is lonely.  Perhaps I am projecting human emotions onto this creature.  Perhaps.  One cannot help but feel isolation and solitude when looking at him.  I sit and watch him as we both bake in the simmering heat and unending sunshine of a Texas summer.  Part of me wishes I could help him in some way, make him feel that his final days are not unnoticed, help him see the promise of progeny tucked away all around us.

But I cannot tell him such things just as I cannot make him comprehend the magnitude of the situation.  He must face this on his own.

Male cicada-killer wasp resting on a leaf (147_4781)

Seeing his last days in the barren landscape that once gave rise to a great many of his siblings causes me to feel for him insomuch as his last moments will be solitary.  I do not know how much longer he can survive, but I do know he will spend these final days waiting for death, and the wait will stand upon its emptiness, and when death finally comes, he will face it here in this place where so many have already come and gone before, this place where he must already understand to some small degree that he is by himself.

He watches me as I watch him.  I am now able to get close enough that I can see his head moving to follow my actions.  A part of me weeps for him.  It was only a few weeks ago that the air and ground all about me were filled with these goliaths.  It was only a few days ago that others of his kind still came and went.  It was just yesterday that the last remaining female arrived to finalize her nest, her hope for future generations, before she finally left never again to return alive but instead to be discovered by me near her burrow with all the life drained from her body.

And now he is alone.  Alone waiting for his own death.  It is the same unstoppable end responsible for wiping out everyone he ever knew.  He is alone.  Just alone.  And that is how he will die.

He is the last of his kind.

Male cicada-killer wasp resting on a leaf (148_4802)

Open thread

Yet another missing link fossil has been discovered, and this time it’s for elephants.  It appears to belong to a “species that connects modern elephants to their ancient ancestors.”

Shucks!  It seems conservative harpy Ann Coulter might have committed voting fraud.  She also makes clear she has no intention of cooperating with the investigation.  If she’s guilty of this felony, she can receive up to five years in prison.  I’d like to see her little anorexic self after she’s been the sex bitch to some prison Burtha for a few years.  I bet that would help tone down her hateful rhetoric.

I’m not surprised.  “U.S. privacy protections rank among the worst in the democratic world, a London-based privacy organization said Wednesday. Privacy International ranked 36 nations around the globe, including all European Union nations and other major democracies, and determined that in categories such as enforcement of privacy laws, the U.S. is on par with countries like China, Russia and Malaysia. Overall, the U.S. was determined to be an ‘extensive surveillance society,’ the second-lowest rating in the study.”

If the Democrats don’t take control of Congress this month, I doubt this investigation will bear fruit.  Still, it’s nice to see.  “Two federal agencies are investigating whether the Bush administration tried to block government scientists from speaking freely about global warming and censor their research, a senator said Wednesday. Sen. Frank Lautenberg, (D-N.J.), said he was informed that the inspector generals for the Commerce Department and NASA had begun ‘co- ordinated, sweeping investigations of the Bush administration’s censorship and suppression’ of federal research into global warming.”  Let me add this: Investigate all you want, but let’s also take some action to curb our greenhouse gas emissions.  While we’re at it, how ’bout we do something to clean and protect the environment as well as getting the Endangered Species Act back on track?

Andrew Sullivan hit the nail on the head: “This isn’t an election anymore, it’s an intervention.”

You really should go see these photos from Iran.  I’ll admit there are some mighty beautiful women in that country, and the sights from around the nation are equally stunning.  [via Michael at Gay Orbit]

If you do nothing else, you MUST go see Keith Olbermann’s latest.  The video is in two parts, so watch the first and then the second (it picks up where the first one ends).  Shrill indeed…  This is must-see TV of the finest degree.  [note you can also read the transcript and download the entire video in WMV or MOV format here]

It may well be that red wine is the answer to a lot of health issues.  “Huge amounts of a red wine extract seemed to help obese mice eat a high-fat diet and still live a long and healthy life, suggests a new study that some experts are calling ‘landmark’ research. [. . .] The study by the Harvard Medical School and the National Institute of Aging shows that heavy doses of red wine extract lowers the rate of diabetes, liver problems and other fat-related ill effects in obese mice. Fat-related deaths dropped 31 percent for obese mice on the supplement, compared to untreated obese mice, and the treated mice also lived long after they should have, the study said. Astoundingly, the organs of the fat mice that got the wine extract looked normal when they shouldn’t have, said study lead author Dr. David Sinclair of Harvard Medical School. And Sinclair said other preliminary work still being done in the lab shows the wine ingredient has promise in lengthening the life span of normal-sized mice, too.”

Fare thee well, my bitter friend

This is a poem I’ve been tinkering with for a few weeks.  I don’t think it’s done yet but thought I’d share it anyway.

Just as the days close upon themselves under midnight’s shadow
Warned, I did, of countless dangers wrought of younger’s callow
Fare thee good and well, my bitter friend; unto self be gone
Beseeched in heartless rending that which cannot be withdrawn

Littered by the bones of other ones stands the road of love
Undone by magic, mysteries, moments; none we can know of
Bereft; consumed on altar thine; appeased by angry greed
Climb up; cast down; reach and weep for desperation’s need

Apart, together journeyed for years yet progress know we not
Our hearts cry loud in lamentation for what our time has wrought
Fear we know; hope we dream; shed blood in sacrifice
Nature’s anguished, cosmos angered, passion no longer will suffice

Foresee this ending final day in life and death writ upon our souls
Sailed upon waters still, our ships now lost, our torment consoles
Rest eternal in death’s embrace and pain yourself no more
See upon the endless ocean standing your final sandy shore

In silence, loud and pressing, hear your voice and singing loud
What’s left behind obliges not for those cloaked by darkest shroud
This we know at life’s goodbye: living’s extinguished light
Diminishes no more and returns to you all your sources bright

Head resting upon the bed that encloses this, your last hour
Small hands embrace fate’s hourglass to see you finally flower
Gasp not at rest to see the tears of those witness to your demise
No obligation have you; now release yourself from cries

Fare thee well, my bitter friend, and your self be once again
Memory’s keep shall hold us all embraced, remembering when
Your stature tall, wit cunning and sharp; nurtured by simple life
Be gone from this world, be burdened not, and carry no more strife