
To me, it’s the word that best describes political parties (all of them, thank you very much).  If we could dispose of platforms and party needs and all that unnecessary hoopla, I bet we could get a lot more done once people had to stand on their own two feet and make their own decisions.

intransigent (in·tran·si·gent): / in TRAN si juhnt /

(1) refusing to compromise; unwilling to abandon a position or attitude; inflexible


(1) an unyielding person; someone who refuses to compromise or change an attitude or position

[From Spanish los intransigentes meaning “the uncompromising ones” and the name of an extreme political party, from Spanish transigir meaning “to compromise,” from Latin transigere meaning “to come to an agreement.”]

Usage: It is impossible to serve the will of the people when holding an intransigent position.

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