This is how I tend to view the world. It’s a major reason I’m not fond of religion.
a posteriori (a pos·te·ri·o·ri): / ay poh steer ee OHR ee / (always italicized)
adjective, adverb
(1) deriving knowledge from facts and experience, and from reasoning based on observed causes and effects; inductive; empirical
(2) justified or knowable by experience only
[From Latin a posteriori meaning “from the latter, from what comes later.”]
Usage: Unlike the belief that some voodoo-wielding bearded guy in the sky waved his fairy’s wand and created all life, evolution offers an a posteriori explanation that not only fits the facts, but successfully predicts similar phenomena by way of various evolutionary mechanisms.
Since I used this one recently, I thought it wise to include it. ratiocinate (ra·ti·oc·i·nate): / rash ee OS uh nayt / intransitive verb (1) to reason methodically; to think or argue logically [From Latin ratiocinatus, past participle of ratiocinari meaning "to reckon, compute, calculate, conclude," from Latin ratio meaning…
December 9, 2006
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This word's versatility makes it quite useful. apropos (ap·ro·pos): / ap ruh POH / adverb (1) at the right or opportune time; seasonably; fitting; to the purpose (2) by the way; incidentally (formal) adjective (1) pertinent; opportune and relevant; just right apropos of preposition (idiom) (1) with regard or respect…
December 11, 2006
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If you want to know what kind of politics I believe in, you'll be happy to know it has nothing to do with partisan groups or party affiliations. This word best describes my approach. realpolitik (re·al·po·li·tik): / ray AHL poh li teek / (often capitalized unnecessarily; always italicized) noun (1)…
October 31, 2006
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