While I dare not share too many details of the latest of my writing endeavors, I want to speak of that which will follow that as yet unwritten.
First comes Dreamdarkers.
Next comes End of the Warm Season (parts I and II, at least, or so I believe).
Although I won’t deny that The Breaking of Worlds and other tales likewise rest upon my mental brow, there now exists another story crying to be told.
Centralia appears to be its most obvious name, but others rest still beyond the scope of my immediate focus.
Will it similarly take place in Kingswell, like Dreamdarkers and End of the Warm Season? Possibly. In fact, should it develop as I imagine it will, that appears more a fact than a guess.
Only time will tell, though. Let us complete one journey, then the other, before we embark upon the third.
About renaming my first novel at the last minute, what that means in the scheme of things, and why it doesn't change the goodies I'm about to share with you
February 6, 2013
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